The President and his silent opposers
The struggle for breath
The Ventriloquist’s argument
Why do you say there is no going back?
Mamma reads her Daddy a story. c1938
I told you he was a mistake
Line up line
True love leaves no traces on a skeleton
We said he'll be alright
Don't you like my food Englishman
Battle at Breakfast
Man shouts at a woman
The President and his silent opposers
The President and his silent opposers

295 x 210 mm

Indian ink and white acrylic on card


The struggle for breath
The struggle for breath

295 x 210 mm

Indian ink and white acrylic on card


The Ventriloquist’s argument
The Ventriloquist’s argument

295 x 210 mm

Indian ink and white acrylic on card


Why do you say there is no going back?
Why do you say there is no going back?

295 x 210 mm

Indian ink and white acrylic on card


Mamma reads her Daddy a story. c1938
Mamma reads her Daddy a story. c1938

205 x290

White acrylic and Indian ink on card

£120 + p&p. contact

I told you he was a mistake
I told you he was a mistake

295 x 210 mm

Indian ink and white acrylic on card


Line up line
Line up line

180 x 260 mm

Red ink, gold polish, acrylic and Indian ink on card

£130 + p&p contact

True love leaves no traces on a skeleton
True love leaves no traces on a skeleton

Indian ink and acrylic on card

We said he'll be alright
We said he'll be alright

Indian ink, red ink and acrylic on card

Don't you like my food Englishman
Don't you like my food Englishman

Acrylic and Indian ink on card

Battle at Breakfast
Battle at Breakfast

Ink Drawing

Man shouts at a woman
Man shouts at a woman

260 x 280 mm

Acrylic and Indian ink on card

£130 + p&p contact